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About Us

Hearts is a support group. We host educational events, parties, field trips, park days,coffee meets for parents, meetings, our members have a co-op and so much more.


We are a Christ-centered organization.  HEARTS  was formed to bring Homeschooling families together in order to support, educate, and encourage them in their efforts to educate their children at home. To achieve these goals, the group meets, invites special speakers, prays for and encourages one another, share methods, curriculum, ideas, and to plan group events, field trips, and classes. 



Annual Family  Membership is  $47.50 and it allows your family to be part of these events and more.  Apply for Membership.


Special Meetings:  Through Zoom Second Monday of most months. Please check the calendar or contact us for specifics as sometimes we have Mom Nights out or other activities in place of the meetings. During this time of social distancing, our meetings will take place through Zoom


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